Innovative WFP electronic voucher programme in Zimbabwe brings relief to many living with HIV

UNAIDS Executive Director visits pioneering HIV clinic near St Petersburg

The Missing Face of Children and AIDS: Progress on Ten Years of Commitments

Global Partners Forum on children affected by HIV: Time to turn commitments into action

Global Partners Forum on children affected by HIV: Time to turn commitments into action

Local African community organizations in Brussels bring attention to children orphaned by AIDS globally

Dairy cooperative in Tanzania is helping rural women to help themselves

New book sheds light on women and men’s access to care and experience of care-giving in African countries

Food security response to HIV and gender-base violence in northern Uganda

Addressing the special needs of the most vulnerable

International consultation on “Positive Health, Dignity and Prevention” in Casablanca

Guyana launches national HIV prevention principles, standards and guidelines

Religious summit engages religious leaders in the HIV response

Universal access in the Caribbean must include men who have sex with men

Call for urgent action to improve coverage of HIV services for injecting drug users

Country driven goals towards universal access need to remain a priority

Handbook on HIV for Parliamentarians developed in Cambodia

Nigeria to accelerate universal access efforts in HIV response

Study: In Malawi, money in girls’ hands boosts school enrolment

Building Haiti’s AIDS Response Better
Laws that criminalize groups and behaviours threaten to jeopardize universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support

Social protection: helping families affected by HIV weather the financial crisis

Top UN officials urge continued AIDS funding amid economic crisis

AIDS and global health
Grass roots projects supporting people living with HIV

Swaziland: WFP supports families living with HIV

HIV and high food prices

Brazilian children’s society offers a home from home for children living with HIV

Brazilian children’s society offers a home from home for children living with HIV

UNICEF: Communities provide a bigger ‘family’ for orphaned children in Rwanda

World Bank highlights potential risks of AIDS to economic and social development in South Asia

Commission on the Status of Women opens with call for action to achieve universal access and gender equality

Home Truths: Facing the facts on children, AIDS, and poverty

Home Truths: Facing the facts on children, AIDS, and poverty
New executive director sets universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support as top priority for UNAIDS
New executive director sets universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support as top priority for UNAIDS

US AIDS relief programme exceeds goals for HIV treatment and care

Third stocktaking report on children and AIDS

The impact of nutrition and HIV: World Food Programme

4th Global Partners Forum on Children Affected by HIV and AIDS

Fashion designer joins hands with HIV positive women in Cambodia

Disability and HIV in Jamaica

The power of two wheels
Statement from Peter Piot, UNAIDS Executive Director, on signing of the “Tom Lantos and Henry J. Hyde Global Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Reauthorization Act of 2008”

The UN Secretary General visits Red Ribbon Centre Beijing

Preventing HIV, preserving the environment

Preventing HIV, preserving the environment

New UNAIDS policy on HIV, food security and nutrition

Second stocktaking report on children and AIDS

African Ministers meet to discuss 21st century challenges