Making a difference to the lives of LGBTI people

On the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, UNAIDS calls for zero discrimination

African men fighting stigma and discrimination

Germany—ending AIDS by 2020

India to provide HIV treatment to all who need it

In memory of a quiet hero in the response to HIV by Eric Sawyer

Belarus: Reducing harm, preventing new HIV infections

Belarus: Reducing harm, preventing new HIV infections
Pre-exposure prophylaxis now available in Scotland
Pre-exposure prophylaxis now available in Scotland

How do you do it? Australian HIV campaign puts emphasis on a combination of ways

South Africa launches new plan to advance progress towards ending AIDS

Championing access to HIV services for key populations in Africa

Claiming rights for transgender people in Latin America and the Caribbean
Mobilizing changemakers: francophone city mayors meet on HIV

Joining forces to get tested for HIV in Togo

Health workshop educates youth in India

Health workshop educates youth in India

Supporting efforts to end child marriage in Latin America and the Caribbean
Bringing HIV services to hard-to-reach people in Victoria Falls

Global social work responds to HIV

Stopping the rise of new HIV infections among people who inject drugs

Transforming lives through voluntary drug treatment

UNAIDS calls for improved access to condoms for all who need them

UNAIDS calls for improved access to condoms for all who need them

UNAIDS Board underlines the need for a fully funded response to HIV to allow more countries to get on the Fast-Track to ending AIDS by 2030
Training on age of consent manual piloted in Zimbabwe
Training on age of consent manual piloted in Zimbabwe

Preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV in coffee producing areas of Guatemala

Preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV in coffee producing areas of Guatemala

Barbados World AIDS Day Man Aware campaign raises HIV awareness among men

Ministerial dialogue on Start Free Stay Free AIDS Free

Ministerial dialogue on Start Free Stay Free AIDS Free

Youth and innovation shine on World AIDS Day in Algeria

UNAIDS hosts World AIDS Day event and honours the UN Secretary-General for his remarkable contributions to the AIDS response

UNAIDS hosts World AIDS Day event and honours the UN Secretary-General for his remarkable contributions to the AIDS response

UNAIDS and StarTimes join to promote World AIDS Day messages

Refuelling the global HIV response: the role of the United Kingdom

Russian #STOPHIVAIDS HIV prevention campaign launched

Closing the HIV prevention investment gap

Investment in effective prevention
Tajikistan joins “Hands up for #HIVprevention”

Preventing HIV among transgender women in Lima

Implementing comprehensive HIV and STI programmes with men who have sex with men in Kyrgyzstan

Sex Workers Academy Africa: increasing demand for rights-based HIV prevention services

One-stop-shop for truckers’ health in South Africa

Bringing HIV testing to communities in Cambodia

#WhatWomenWant for the HIV response: a new space for new conversations

Comprehensive sexuality education in Zambia