“Do not guess, get tested” - Free testing for HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis B and C in Yerevan

UNAIDS is hopeful that a new long-acting HIV prevention option will soon become available for women in sub-Saharan Africa

UNAIDS is hopeful that a new long-acting HIV prevention option will soon become available for women in sub-Saharan Africa

Despite great progress since the early days, the HIV response is still failing children

UNAIDS report on the global AIDS epidemic shows that 2020 targets will not be met because of deeply unequal success; COVID-19 risks blowing HIV progress way off course

Delivery of PrEP at home in the Republic of Moldova

Harm reduction continues for people who use drugs during COVID-19 in Côte d’Ivoire

Online games fighting HIV stigma and discrimination in the Islamic Republic of Iran

New HIV infections differ by sex and by region

The value of integrating HIV prevention and contraceptive services

Mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on key populations

UNAIDS welcomes new tool for HIV prevention for gay men and other men who have sex with men and transgender women

UNAIDS welcomes new tool for HIV prevention for gay men and other men who have sex with men and transgender women

HIV knowledge greater among women with higher incomes
Community members are driving the AIDS response in northern Myanmar
Mining, drugs and conflict are stretching the AIDS response in northern Myanmar

UNAIDS welcomes government’s decision to make PrEP routinely available across England

UNAIDS welcomes government’s decision to make PrEP routinely available across England

Norway’s community organizations ensuring health, dignity and rights

Parental consent undermines the right to health of adolescents

Parental consent undermines the right to health of adolescents

Adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa more than twice as likely to acquire HIV

Services tailored for women who inject drugs in India

How are babies becoming infected with HIV in Africa?

Advocacy toolkit for African first ladies launched

Turning the tide of the HIV epidemic in Thailand

Turning the tide of the HIV epidemic in Thailand

Turning the tide of the HIV epidemic in Thailand

Sri Lanka eliminates vertical transmission of HIV and syphilis

Sri Lanka eliminates vertical transmission of HIV and syphilis

Barriers to PrEP must be removed

Barriers to PrEP must be removed

Desert AIDS Project delegation visits health-care centre on the sidelines of ICASA

iwantPrEPnow website founded out of necessity

Ensuring that people and communities have the power to choose, to know, to thrive and to demand is the key to ending AIDS

Pace of decline in new adult HIV infections remains short of ambition
The power of transgender visibility in Jamaica

Worldwide, more than half of new HIV infections now among key populations and their sexual partners
Voluntary medical male circumcision―4.1 million performed in 2018

Educational show on how to talk with teenagers about health and sexual relations

Educational show on how to talk with teenagers about health and sexual relations

Putting HIV prevention back at the centre of Brazil’s LGBTI pride

New HIV infections rising in Latin America―key populations particularly affected

The pros and cons of being small

Unwavering care for people who inject drugs on the streets of Glasgow

Unwavering care for people who inject drugs on the streets of Glasgow

Interview with UNAIDS PrEP expert Rosalind Coleman

Five years on: 300 Fast-Track cities come together

Global leaders unite to tackle health inequalities

Mapping HIV laws and policies