UNAIDS welcomes further evidence of the positive impact of antiretroviral therapy on preventing new HIV infections

Increased domestic funding for AIDS is a ‘national priority,’ says the President of Côte d’Ivoire

UNAIDS Executive Director calls for greater local production of HIV medicines in Ghana

UNAIDS Executive Director calls for increased national spending on AIDS in Togo

UNAIDS Executive Director meets with Bénin’s Head of State

Bénin launches national plan to prevent new HIV infections among children

Women need access to dual protection—effective contraceptives and HIV prevention options
WHO to issue guidance on hormonal contraceptives and HIV

Stopping new HIV infections among children a key priority for new OAFLA chair
UNAIDS and PEPFAR welcome the launch of the Business Leadership Council to end new HIV infections among children by 2015

Improving women and children’s health a priority in Davos

Elena Pinchuk AntiAIDS Foundation and UNAIDS award interactive responses to AIDS

First Lady of Ethiopia commits to elimination of new HIV infections among children

Ethiopia launches national plan to prevent new HIV infections among children

Leaders from West and Central Africa examine ways to eliminate new HIV infections among children

Ahead of World AIDS Day UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassador Naomi Watts meets with mothers living with HIV in India

German ministries for health and economic cooperation host HIV prevention conference

Costa Rica: Ambitious youth HIV project reaping results

First Lady of Uganda to Champion the elimination of new HIV infections among children in the country

Political commitment towards the elimination of new HIV infections among children in Burundi
UNAIDS welcomes continued leadership and commitment of the United States to the AIDS response

Placing families at the heart of the AIDS response in the Middle East and North Africa

Kenya's Prime Minister commits to the goal of eliminating new HIV infections in children by 2015

UNAIDS Executive Director visits pioneering HIV clinic near St Petersburg
UNAIDS calls for urgent analysis and more research on hormonal contraceptives and HIV infection risk

Where innovation meets implementation

King Goodwill Zwelethini commended on his visionary response to HIV in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa
UNAIDS calls on countries to accelerate progress towards global goal to eliminate new HIV infections amongst children

Secret lives, other voices: study explores sexuality, gender identity and HIV transmission risk in Fiji

Eliminating new paediatric HIV infections and congenital syphilis in Asia-Pacific

Empowering women to protect themselves: Successes in female condom programming

New data from study roll-out provides further evidence that male circumcision is effective in preventing HIV in men
Report on HIV Prevention Research Funding Says New Investment Critical to Capitalize on HIV Prevention Research Breakthroughs
UNAIDS and WHO hail new results showing that a once-daily pill for HIV-negative people can prevent them from acquiring HIV

Competition launched to find top social media and mobile phone projects for HIV prevention

Women’s football teams ‘Give AIDS the Red Card’ to keep children free from HIV

The Missing Face of Children and AIDS: Progress on Ten Years of Commitments

First Ladies of the world unite to prevent new HIV infections among children

UNAIDS OUTLOOK 30 remembers three decades of the global AIDS response

2 500 young people newly infected with HIV every day, according to Opportunity in Crisis

G8 Summit: Mrs Carla Bruni-Sarkozy hosts spouse event on the protection of mothers and children against HIV

Groundbreaking trial results confirm HIV treatment prevents transmission of HIV

A national campaign aims to increase Namibian men's involvement in HIV health programmes

Condom march brings public and HIV prevention commissioners onto the streets in South Africa

HIV prevention in action: Grassroot Soccer mobilizes young people to stop the spread of HIV

Archbishop Tutu passes baton to a new generation of leaders in the AIDS response

Preventing HIV with social media and mobile phones

Middle East and North Africa ready to scale up harm reduction services in its response to AIDS

Top 30 medicines to save mothers and children identified by the World Health Organization

New framework to eliminate transmission of HIV from mothers to their babies