A generation born free of HIV—a goal within reach in the Russian Federation

World leaders unite towards ending the AIDS epidemic among adolescents

Leaving no one behind in the post-2015 development agenda: young marginalized people claim their space

UNAIDS appoints Victoria Beckham as International Goodwill Ambassador

Countries ready to “Fast Track” response to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030

Action on sexual and reproductive health and rights critical say leaders

African first ladies renew commitment toward the AIDS response in the continent

Zero Mothers Die: bold new initiative launched at UN General Assembly event

President of South Africa and UNAIDS Executive Director discuss HIV and the Ebola outbreak

Kenya launches an ambitious HIV prevention road map

Scaling up cash transfers for HIV prevention among adolescent girls and young women

UNAIDS at the 2014 Youth Olympic Games

Giant agriculture show in Zambia breaks new ground with HIV prevention efforts

UNAIDS and partners launch initiative to improve HIV diagnostics

Journalists putting the dual crisis of HIV and human rights firmly on the agenda

Declining investment could slow research and rollout of new HIV prevention options

Consolidated guidelines on HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care for key populations

Mississippi baby shows signs of HIV infection

World drug report 2014: more needs to be done to tackle injecting drug use and HIV

Asia and the Pacific committed to setting ambitious HIV prevention and treatment targets

Renewing efforts to eliminate new HIV infections among children

Mother’s Day – Hope for mothers and children affected by HIV

Harm reduction among prison inmates in Mauritius

What will it take to virtually eliminate sexual transmission of HIV by 2030?

Kenyan women unite to increase access to maternal and child health

Harm reduction works

First Lady of Kenya runs half marathon to end new HIV infections among children and improve the lives of mothers

Zero Discrimination Day to be celebrated 1 March 2014

The M∙A∙C AIDS Fund, Rihanna and UNAIDS team up to reach nearly 2 million young people in need of lifesaving HIV treatment

New “Beyond Zero Campaign” to improve maternal and child health outcomes in Kenya

UNAIDS and the hotel InterContinental Genève launch a new campaign to ensure all children are born HIV-free

UNAIDS calls on India and all countries to repeal laws that criminalize adult consensual same sex sexual conduct

Renewal of HIV prevention activities needed in Poland

More than 850,000 infants saved from HIV since 2005, but alarming trends seen among adolescents

Hotel InterContinental Genève and UNAIDS join forces

UNAIDS welcomes Ugandan President’s launch of massive HIV prevention and treatment campaign

Angolan government commits to ensuring all children are born free of HIV

Women’s health communities critical to reducing maternal and child mortality in Africa

Building momentum to stop new HIV infections among children and keep their mothers alive

First Lady of Mozambique appointed as Patron of the Global Plan

President Obama says South Africa is leading the way to an AIDS-free generation

Continued investment in HIV prevention research can speed development of new options to help end the AIDS epidemic

New HIV infections among children have been reduced by 50% or more in seven countries in sub-Saharan Africa

Investing in harm reduction––sound economic sense

International cricketers team up to ‘THINK WISE’ about HIV prevention
UNAIDS welcomes pre-qualification by WHO of first non-surgical device for adult male circumcision in HIV prevention efforts

Scientific breakthroughs in HIV help shape the future of AIDS research in Africa

Progress on HIV brings hope to the province of KwaZulu Natal

UNAIDS Executive Director says successes in the AIDS response should not result in complacency

Life Ball champions zero new HIV infections in children