“They [the transgender community] don’t have to be products. They can be producers too”

Many key populations avoid health services

UNAIDS Solidarity Fund helps female sex workers in Ghana

Empowering people who inject drugs in Uganda

Empowering people who inject drugs in Uganda

New indicators added to Key Populations Atlas

New indicators added to Key Populations Atlas

New indicators added to Key Populations Atlas

Empowering sex workers through social enterprises

Ready to be the change

Harm reduction services reduce new HIV infections

Harm reduction services reduce new HIV infections

On International Drug Users’ Day, UNAIDS calls for action against the criminalization of people who use drugs and for community-led harm reduction programmes

Brandy Rodriguez leaves legacy of courageous advocacy and community support

Bangkok Metropolitan Administration receives award for innovations on PrEP and key population-led services

Bangkok Metropolitan Administration receives award for innovations on PrEP and key population-led services

“Realizing the right to reproductive health and the future starts with sexual education”

The first but not the last: Indonesian transgender man fights for recognition

Launch of advocacy explainers on western Africa model drug law
Community-led initiative helps LGBTI migrants to learn their rights in Ecuador

Community-based organizations call for scaled up Internet-based HIV prevention services in China

UNAIDS strongly supports calls for the rejection of draft law targeting LGBTI people in Ghana

UNAIDS strongly condemns violence against LGBTI activists in Tbilisi, Georgia

UNAIDS strongly condemns violence against LGBTI activists in Tbilisi, Georgia

UNAIDS calls on Hungary to immediately remove amendments discriminatory to LGBTI people from newly adopted law

UNAIDS calls on Hungary to immediately remove amendments discriminatory to LGBTI people from newly adopted law

Small steps towards a big goal

Small steps towards a big goal

Young key populations from Asia and the Pacific claiming their space at the 2021 High-Level Meeting on AIDS

Caribbean stakeholders call for focus on key populations and community-led approaches to HIV and COVID-19

Caribbean stakeholders call for focus on key populations and community-led approaches to HIV and COVID-19

“Even though we are sex workers, we’re still people”: living the harsh reality of sex work in Zimbabwe

How the LGBTI community is surviving the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia

A grandmother’s transformative love for her transgender grandchild

#NotYetUhuru: 60-year-old Patson Manyati reflects on being gay in Zimbabwe*

Protecting prisoners from HIV and COVID-19 in Mexico

Pioneers of the harm reduction response in Uganda

Pioneers of the harm reduction response in Uganda

UNAIDS condemns new law that further criminalizes and marginalizes vulnerable groups of people in Uganda

Specialized medical waste management equipment for Republic of Moldova’s harm reduction programme

Specialized medical waste management equipment for Republic of Moldova’s harm reduction programme

UNITY Platform publishes annual report on violence against sexual and gender minorities in Cameroon

UNITY Platform publishes annual report on violence against sexual and gender minorities in Cameroon

High rates of hepatitis C and HIV coinfection among key populations

High rates of hepatitis C and HIV coinfection among key populations

High rates of hepatitis C and HIV coinfection among key populations

Commission on Narcotic Drugs discusses how COVID-19 is impacting the world drug problem

New study recommends strategies to serve the under-protected Caribbean transgender community

(Wo)man in the Mirror: seeing your true self

Solidarity fund helping transgender people during the COVID-19 pandemic