Supporting women and girls affected by gang violence in Haiti

Supporting women and girls affected by gang violence in Haiti

The urgency of HIV prevention among adolescent girls and young women

A rainbow of hope for LGBTQI+ people in rural Japan

Asia Pacific women living with HIV speak out about rights violations

UNAIDS welcomes Kenya’s High Court judgement in landmark case of involuntary sterilization of women living with HIV

UNAIDS welcomes Kenya’s High Court judgement in landmark case of involuntary sterilization of women living with HIV

Tanzania commits to invest in secondary education as part of efforts to keep boys and girls free from HIV

UNAIDS urges world to unite to end gender-based violence against women and girls

UNAIDS welcomes Chile’s public apology in landmark case of involuntary sterilization of women living with HIV

Young women leaders in Senegal push for more education for their peers

Transgender sex workers face frequent abuse

Transgender sex workers face frequent abuse

UNAIDS Executive Director's message on International Women’s Day 2022

UNAIDS Executive Director's message on International Women’s Day 2022

UNAIDS Executive Director's message on International Women’s Day 2022

Women and girls carry the heaviest HIV burden in sub-Saharan Africa

Women and girls carry the heaviest HIV burden in sub-Saharan Africa

Women and girls carry the heaviest HIV burden in sub-Saharan Africa

Parental consent laws leave adolescents vulnerable to HIV

“Play with your heart”— Kazakh women living with HIV tell their stories from the stage

Experience of childhood violence is high

Missing men living with HIV

We need your thoughts and ideas on how to end AIDS among children, adolescents and mothers—new global online survey launched

UNAIDS Executive Director urges action to turn the tide on violence against women and girls and HIV

UNAIDS Executive Director urges action to turn the tide on violence against women and girls and HIV

Don’t be silent on gender-based violence

Slow progress on AIDS-related deaths among adolescents

Central African Republic adopts plan to address gender inequality in the AIDS response

Central African Republic adopts plan to address gender inequality in the AIDS response

UNAIDS welcomes Chile’s recognition of responsibility for violating the rights of a woman living with HIV sterilized without her consent

UNAIDS strongly condemns violence against LGBTI activists in Tbilisi, Georgia

The journey towards comprehensive sexuality education

Young key populations from Asia and the Pacific claiming their space at the 2021 High-Level Meeting on AIDS

Gender equality and justice critical for ending AIDS

UNAIDS Executive Director visits projects in Namibia that empower adolescent girls and young women

UNAIDS Executive Director visits projects in Namibia that empower adolescent girls and young women

UNITY Platform publishes annual report on violence against sexual and gender minorities in Cameroon

Coalition working to end gender-based sexual violence in Democratic Republic of the Congo

Coalition working to end gender-based sexual violence in Democratic Republic of the Congo

UNAIDS Executive Director's message on International Women’s Day 2021

UNAIDS Executive Director's message on International Women’s Day 2021

UNAIDS Executive Director's message on International Women’s Day 2021

Tackling gender inequalities and gender-based violence during the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia and the Pacific

Tackling gender inequalities and gender-based violence during the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia and the Pacific

Navigating Lesotho’s legal system to address gender-based violence

Navigating Lesotho’s legal system to address gender-based violence

Navigating Lesotho’s legal system to address gender-based violence

Gender inequalities in Senegal highlighted on Zero Discrimination Day

Gender inequalities in Senegal highlighted on Zero Discrimination Day