

Prisons and AIDS: UNAIDS Technical update

04 April 1997

In many prisons around the world there is a much higher prevalence of HIV than there is in society outside. There is usually also a much higher rate of certain other diseases, such as hepatitis B and C, syphilis and tuberculosis. Experience has shown that there is a lot that can be done to check the spread of HIV, but for that to occur, those responsible for the prison system must first recognize certain risk factors and forms of behaviour in prisons.


WHO guidelines on HIV infection and AIDS in prisons

14 September 1999

These guidelines were prepared on the basis of technical advice provided to WHO prior to and during a consultation of experts convened in Geneva in September 1992. The consultation included representatives of international and nongovernmental organizations and government departments with a wide range of experience and background in the health, management, and human rights aspects of HIV/AIDS in prisons. The guidelines provide standards - from a public health perspective - which prison authorities should strive to achieve in their efforts to prevent HIV transmission in prisons and to provide care to those affected by HIV/AIDS. It is expected that the guidelines will be adapted by prison authorities to meet their local needs.

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