Global issues


MDG6: Six things you need to know about the AIDS response today

21 December 2010

There is a lot to be hopeful for as we approach the milestone of reaching the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. Much has been achieved—fewer people are dying of AIDS-related illnesses and the rate of new HIV infections has fallen by more than 17% since 2001. Recent breakthroughs in HIV prevention research – such as a woman initiated and controlled microbicide gel combined with the increasing scale up of male circumcision—hold promise for both women and men to protect themselves from HIV.


Securing the Future Today – Synthesis of Strategic Information on HIV and Young People

27 July 2011

This report shows that these global commitments will be achieved only if the unique needs of young women and men are acknowledged, and their human rights fulfilled, respected, and protected. In order to reduce new HIV infections among young people, achieve the broader equity goals set out in the MDGs, and begin to reverse the overall HIV epidemic, HIV prevention and treatment efforts must be tailored to the specific needs of young people.


Letter to partners 2012: Michel Sidibé, Executive Director, UNAIDS

02 April 2012

If the history of AIDS has taught us anything, it is that epidemics don’t occur in a vacuum. HIV has exploited our social and political shortcomings—and it has shown again and again that an effective response must span the health sector and go beyond it to address the laws, attitudes and economic injustices that make infection more likely and more lethal.


Education First: An initiative of the United Nations Secretary-General

27 September 2012

It is time for the international community to face the fact that we have a crisis in education. We must be clear that if children are forced out of school, their governments and communities are also failing. As we approach 2015, we must have unwavering support for achieving and exceeding the global education goals we have set for ourselves.


"Promoting empowerment of people in achieving poverty eradication, social integration and full employment and decent work for all" - speech by M. Ninan Varughese, Officer-in-Charge, UNAIDS New York Office, delivered in New York on 12 February 2013 on...

12 February 2013

UNAIDS would like to call on all stakeholders to further strengthen efforts to eliminate all forms of HIV-related stigma and discrimination, and promote and protect human rights of all people living with, affected by or at risk of HIV. This is critical not only to ensure an effective response to the AIDS epidemic, but also to achieve sustainable development that is human-centered and promotes social integration and inclusion. UNAIDS will continue to work with all partners towards the achievement of these goals.


La réponse au VIH/sida : un modèle de transformation sociale pour relever les défis mondiaux du 21ème siècle

27 April 2014

Au-delà de la langue qui nous unit ce soir, je crois que ce que nous véhiculons ensemble ce sont des valeurs communes, des principes de lutte contre la discrimination, l’exclusion et la stigmatisation. Ce n’est pas un hasard si la déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme fut rédigée en français. Nous ne sommes pas là ce soir pour avoir peur du futur. Bien au contraire, nous sommes ensemble aujourd’hui pour définir et donner un sens à notre avenir, pour faire en sorte que quelque part un jour des personnes se réunissent pour se dire que le monde francophone a contribué à mettre fin à cette épidémie. Le combat contre cette maladie, la lutte contre le sida ne peut être réduit à un simple problème, mais doit s’entendre comme un processus transformatif d’ampleur mondiale.


"Crossing the final frontiers on the road to zero", UNAIDS Executive Director’s speech, Wilton Park

28 June 2012

There will be unforeseen obstacles, but it is very clear that we have started on the road to zero and have taken the first major strides in that direction.

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