Survey shows that the COVID-19 pandemic increases vulnerability of LGBTI people

UNAIDS and the wider United Nations system supporting the COVID-19 response in Nigeria

Support for Uzbek mothers living with HIV

UNAIDS report on the global AIDS epidemic shows that 2020 targets will not be met because of deeply unequal success; COVID-19 risks blowing HIV progress way off course

Providing support to COVID-19-hit households in Côte d’Ivoire

UNAIDS Health Innovation Exchange 2020 opens ahead of the International AIDS Conference

Delivery of PrEP at home in the Republic of Moldova

UNAIDS supporting people stranded in Egypt to access HIV treatment

Harm reduction continues for people who use drugs during COVID-19 in Côte d’Ivoire

Germany ramps up its contribution to the HIV response with an extra €20 million to UNAIDS

“I also need to be happy”: Anna Morena’s story

Survey shows that many people lack multimonth HIV treatment in Latin America

COVID-19 could affect the availability and cost of antiretroviral medicines, but the risks can be mitigated

UNAIDS helps response to food insecurity during COVID-19 outbreak in Angola

Local skills and knowledge help Senegalese community-led organizations deliver

UNAIDS highlights six critical actions to put gender equality at the centre of COVID-19 responses

New online resource for mental health services for key populations in Kazakhstan

New HIV community group in Guinea fighting COVID-19

Five UNAIDS country directors taking the lead in the COVID-19 response

Peer consultants helping the AIDS response in Kyrgyzstan

Targeting sex workers is not the answer

Mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on key populations

Lessons learned from HIV for COVID-19 in Senegal

Mobilizing COVID-19 relief for transgender sex workers in Guyana and Suriname

“We cannot provide only HIV services while sex workers are hungry”: Thai community organization steps in

Caribbean community organizations call for decisive action to end homophobic abuse and cyberbullying

“My biggest concern is to get my antiretroviral medicines”: HIV and COVID-19 in Latin America

Pia Wurtzbach on how she is helping the response to COVID-19

“When people are asked to isolate themselves, we also need to make sure that they have food and medicine”

“We are in this together”: Uganda Young Positives respond to COVID-19

Modelling the extreme—COVID-19 and AIDS-related deaths

We will not defeat COVID-19 without including Africa in the global response

UNAIDS and civil society helping stranded people living with HIV

Mapping community responses to COVID-19 and HIV in eastern Europe and central Asia

Kenyan sex workers abandoned and vulnerable during COVID-19

Health: providing free health for all, everywhere

The high possible cost of COVID-19 on new HIV infections among children

World leaders unite in call for a people’s vaccine against COVID-19

Gender-based violence and COVID-19—“When we are silent, we allow these crimes to multiply”

UNAIDS urges governments to ensure that HIV service providers from community-led organizations are recognized as essential service providers in the context of COVID-19

COVID-19 community support for Trinidadians on the margins

New videos highlight LGBTI issues in Brazil

Let transgender people be in the picture

Russian regional AIDS centres leading the fight against COVID-19

UNODC, WHO, UNAIDS and OHCHR joint statement on COVID-19 in prisons and other closed settings*

COVID-19 in prisons—a ticking time bomb

“We are human, so of course it was scary”

Sex workers in Bangladesh: building resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic

United Nations agencies coordinate their COVID-19 response in South Africa

Dealing with COVID-19 in Cameroon